We are extremely delighted about the news of Codling Wind Park. Codling Wind Park’s bid under ORESS1 (Offshore Renewable Electricity Support Scheme), which is Ireland’s first offshore wind auction, has been successful.
Having a capacity of 1.3 GW, Codling Wind Park is the largest offshore wind farm project in Ireland.
“This is a great day in the fight against climate change, and for Ireland’s plans to become energy self-sufficient” Codling Wind Park Co-Project Directors, Scott Sutherland, and Thomas Gellert, commented on the successful bid.
We are excited to be a part of such a massive project supporting our great partners and clients EDF Renewables UK & Ireland and Fred. Olsen Seawind.
“We are looking forward to the coming years, where hard work still awaits to make the project successful, but for now, we enjoy the success of this moment. I am proud of our team at New Power Partners who played a key part in bringing the project to this milestone and onto the next starting line with absolute professionalism.” Thomas Gellert, CEO at New Power Partners, states.
Read more about our contribution on the Codling Wind Park Project here.